Search in individual collections
Paintings and Sculptures

The Albertina is home to one of the most important European collections of classical modernist paintings: the Batliner Collection. From the painting of French Impressionism and Fauvism with works by Monet, Cézanne and Matisse to expressionist masterpieces including paintings by Kirchner, Kandinsky, and Nolde, and on to the Russian avant-garde and numerous works by Picasso, this collection illustrates all the revolutionary ideas of classical modernism.
A selection of around 500 paintings and sculptures, complemented by works from the Swiss collection of Eva and Matthias Forberg and further important privately owned loans, illustrates this evolution.
Graphic Art Collection

From the complete Graphic Collection of 50,000 drawings and 900,000 prints, almost 100,000 artworks are currently hosted online - 60,000 drawings, 35,000 prints and more than 700 woodblocks.
The drawings of the Italian, German, Austrian, Dutch, French and English School as well as the artworks of the penultimate turn of the century (Klimt, Schiele) and also the most important representatives of 20th and 21st century art are almost completely represented. Within the category of prints the works by Dürer, Rembrandt and Goya along with Italian Chiaroscuro Woodcuts and German works of the 15th and 16th century are available. Furthermore prints of selected contemporary artists - for instance those by Alex Katz - can be found online.
Poster Collection

Out of the total holdings of some 20,000 posters, almost 6,000 are currently retrievable online. They include international posters and poster designs from the period between 1850 and 1945: artist and pictorial posters; advertising posters; political and war posters; event and exhibition posters.
Architectural Collection

From the architectural collection (altogether some 20,000 objects), the designs by Francesco Borromini, as well as the archives of works by Adolf Loos, Carl von Hasenauer, Clemens Holzmeister, Josef Frank, and Lois Welzenbacher, are completely accessible online, amounting to a total of 15,000 objects.
Photographic Collection

Currently the image database includes around 25,000 objects. For copyright reasons, only those photographs have been made available online that are free of third-party rights or for which agreements have been reached with copyright holders. Permanent loans, which can be recognized by their inventory numbers, are also retrievable online: "FotoGLV" refers to permanent loans from the Graphische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt, Vienna and "FotoLS" to permanent loans from the Österreichische Ludwig-Stiftung für Kunst und Wissenschaft.
Search in further Albertina databases
Albertina Library

Via the library's online catalogue, you can search all of the books, magazines, newspapers, and audio-visual media (altogether more than 80,000 objects) and request them directly. They will subsequently be made available for consultation in the Albertina Study Hall.
Bio-Bibliography on Photography in Austria

Here you will find biographic and bibliographic data on persons, institutions, and companies that were/are active in or dealt/deal with photography in the region of today's Austria, even if only temporarily. This database contains exclusively textual information and no photographs.

Image galleries
Objects from our permanent collection and our recent exhibitions
Monet to Picasso. The Batliner Collection. Curator's choice
Albrecht Dürer (2019)
The Art of the Viennese Watercolor (2018)
Raphael (2017)
Pieter Bruegel. Drawing the World (2017)
Kunst für alle. Der Farbholzschnitt in Wien um 1900 (2016)
Jim Dine. I never look away (2016)
Die Sammlung Arthur Feldmann und die Albertina (2015)
Dürer, Michelangelo, Rubens - Meisterwerke der Albertina (2014)
Bosch Bruegel Rubens Rembrandt (2013)
Kaiser Maximilian und die Kunst der Dürer-Zeit (2012)
Im Auftrag des Kaisers: Jakob und Rudolf von Alt (2010)
Das Zeitalter Rembrandts (2009)